Charlottesville United for Public Education is a coalition of parents, grandparents, and community members committed to ensuring every child in Charlottesville City Schools receives a quality education. We advocate for student success from preschool to graduation through community engagement, family support and civic participation. As champions united for healthy students and schools, we center community voices and welcome all who are invested in making public education better in Charlottesville.
Mission: To advocate for public education that meets the needs of every child and family, while centering Black, Brown, and other marginalized voices.
Vision: Charlottesville City Schools serves as a model for centering the needs of students and families through informed, strategic, transformative change that meets the needs of each child and the collective, as demonstrated by a closed achievement gap, record matriculation and strong school/home partnerships.
The Charlottesville Area Network Dedicated to Youth Development (CANDYD) is a network of out of school time programs and providers for youth in the greater Charlottesville region. CANDYD members are youth-serving professionals and advocates working to enhance equitable, accessible, and high-quality out-of-school experiences so that all youth (ages 5 - 18) are able to thrive.
The Fifeville Neighborhood Association (FNA) is seeking to understand community interests in a grocery store to improve access to healthy foods. The potential grocery would be a part of the coming mixed-use redevelopment at 501 Cherry Avenue (the former Estes IGA Grocery store, across from Tonsler Park). The goal of this survey is to help FNA recommend an owner for a grocery store to the developer that is a good fit for the neighborhood and surrounding community. To help understand the community member’s thoughts and interests, the FNA, in partnership with RN HEARTwork-Health Education, Coaching & Consulting LLC, is facilitating a community engagement initiative around the potential grocery store opportunity.
The goal of the survey is to help inform FNA’s recommendation by understanding:
- What the community most values in a grocery store,
- If community members know someone who might want to be the owner/operator of this proposed grocery store, and;
- If community members might be interested in forming a nonprofit or a community-owned food co-op, led by Black residents, to own/operate the store.
Analysis and survey creation was completed by The Equity Center at UVA, under direction of the Fifeville Neighborhood Association.